The Country Travelers


Our backyard view

Sam and Leslie's cabin

Sam and Leslie's cabin
Cabin in the Grand Tetons!!!

Pumping Gas

Pumping Gas
Gassing it up for the trip! ONE OF MANY!

David and Kristi

David and Kristi
Our fine hosts in Iowa, David and Kristi

Uh Oh


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


July 1, 2009

Jonesboro was filled with so much good...sooo much good. Aunt Leith, Uncle Randy and Rebekah (cuz) were so much fun and not only that but they really poured into us both in many ways. A perfect stop at the end of the trip! We grilled out after a tough day laying by the pool and then suddenly the home turned into a huge dance party, equip with "Brick House" and many more 80s jams...hilarious-you had to be there. The Hoggard family is indeed one-of-a-kind. They inspire so much in those they are around and what an opportunity to experience them for even just a day.

Parting was such sweet sorrow, but off to our next stop we went-St. Louis!!! After arriving at Justine and Pete's home, Justine cooked up a huge meal for us all and then Jake (son) and Pete took us on a small tour of the city, including (of couse) the ARCH! We did the whole ride in the claustrophobic bubble to the top thing and what a view! We could see the Cardinals playing and all of the lights of the city! It was amazing. Then, we went to a wine restaurant which Jake (son) use to own and were able to sit and enjoy that for awhile.

It has been so incredible how each stop has had people who have been so good to us-people who want to give and love...that's how life should be. It makes me want to be that. It's actually hard to think about this ending-it has been such a wonderful and exciting trip, filled with life lessons and also just unforgettable sites which will last a lifetime. Tomorrow Jake and I part ways. I'm going to visit Uncle Rod in Illinois and Jake will stay a few more days here in St. Louis. We will probably post a final one and update last pics. Last night!!!

Pacific Ocean

Golden Gate bridge as we're driving on it!

With our hostess in San Fran, Noelle

Oh, what a sight!

Jake, Rhoda, Letha

Jake, Rhoda, Letha

An old friend, Troy, in Seattle


Iowa (Interstate 80)

Jake at Truckstop

Jake at Truckstop
one of the many "must have" gifts at the truck stop